Sunday, January 14, 2018

photowalk in the snow (282/365a)

Oh what a lovely day for a walk. Grey, cold and snowing with good shoes, good company and good lenses. :)

Phil picked me up from home when I was barely awake despite being up for hours - the curse of mothers the world over.

We walked and snapped and walked and snapped.

While I was out, Theodore cooked dinner! The rest of the day I mostly just computer worked and Brian took the kids out iceskating.
at least, it was one tree...

the uhrturm, three facing away one looking through a screen (and one, me, looking through a viewfinder)
time stands still for the blind.
at some point, many times, actually, i got the protective plastic bag covering my lens. once though, i actually liked the effect...

it was truly wonderful to just walk around with nothing to do but look through my lens. i take a photo every day, and carry my camera nearly everywhere i go, but photos are the recorders, the afterthought, the side-goal. today they were closer to the main goal, although walking and talking were near the top of the list too.... also not freezing my fingers off or getting water into electronics. next time i take my film camera!

1 comment:

  1. It was a fine day indeed, one that needs repeating!
