Friday, January 5, 2018

koper! (273/365a)

done with driving, done for the day
left early this morning, full of youthful exhuberance and energy, and was then exhausted upon arrival and for the rest of the day. Drove to koper, stopping only to switch drivers. henry and agnes had all to tell us all the exciting this right away, which kept us quite entertained. mary went to watch a friend of her's dissertation defense, and we stayed and barely kept track of the kids, as we lay on the couch lacking alertness, but they don't need very much help.
leaning and leaving
henry reading to the others! i haven't seen him really attempt this before!

more SET!

a fan dance
playing ball in the house, and the adults are too tired to object
contra improv
we did do some improv musicing, and the kids danced and danced to our contras/walzes/polkas/sad songs. that was glorious fun. and we went out in the rain and lit sparklers on the spinny thing at the playground while singing We Three Kings. we weren't good at lighting them in the rain, and the kids had a strange reaction to the things, they shied away from them instead of reaching out to take them, so more than once i got doused with an extra amount of water from a fleeing umbrella. so fun.

then felix had a restless night, which left no rest for the weary...
he is sure cute though!

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