Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Theodore invites a Friend (277/365a)

After a year and a half of school, Theodore's invited a friend exactly once. So I convinced him to try again, and he invited Clara ice-skating.

First everyone had to finish their homework, which took forever with them all distracting each other. Then off we went, the five of us. They all did increadibly well. A week and a half ago, Felix couldn't even hold onto the wall without falling down. Now he is the fastest of the group, flying around the big circle and spinning little circles. He is proud to say he "learned how to fall and get back up" from a youtube video. Somewhat true. Mostly he learned it from practice, haha.

I wanted to go to a concert tonight, but Manuela and I were both, unrelatedly, too tired, so I stayed home and hoped for an early night. Dinner was left over kindergarten food. There was a birthday today, so that kid had brought cake, so, not surprisingly, most kids didn't really want "real" food, and just waited for cake instead, so we had a lot of soup left over. Yay for us, less work is good!

a new kind of juggling

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