Sunday, January 28, 2018

Preparing for the Ball... (295/365a)

So much fun this morning, not really preparing for the Ball.

Instead, we all painted a canvas, and we made a cool video to an mp3 of Theodore reading a poem. we put it up on youtube and he was very excited about that. The other ones all went for a run and off to the farmers market, although I won't be cooking today (or tomorrow, probably!)

I still had to get dressed up and decent way early for the ball, and somehow I managed to catch myself a bad headache and was not interested in doing my hair until 5 minutes before I called a taxi. Bad hair day indeed, but who cares? Rehearsal, quintet photoshoot, and then 2hours of straight playing in terrible drafts in the foyer of the opera-house, but we played quite nicely, and we were free to go watch and dance and eat (and not drink, because of my terrible headache, which was still there) and walk around the opera house with fancy backstage wristbands and do whatever we pleased.

Der Schneemann
I took lots of pictures at the ball and everything, but I'll share those tomorrow. For now, I'm going to try to rid myself of sleep deprivation.

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