Sunday, January 21, 2018

thaler see and thal (289/365a)

It was a gorgeous day for a leisurely walk around thalersee, with Manuela and Dorian. Brian thought it would be too leisurely so he run up and down the plabutsch (that mountain) to meet us on the other side. We plebeians met at the bus, which on sundays has the worst connections ever. No matter, we had fun talking and waiting too. :)
in the pits of landscape photography. how can things get so bad?

closeups are better
We visited the church nearby too, having to cross a very muddy construction site to get there. It's a very strange church, with stone inlaid floors, and marble seats. The kids wanted to run around and play hide and seek.
Dorian preaches about being good to win Super Mario

one tree among many
Afterwards we just happened to have fresh croissants to be put in the oven. and coffee. We warmed up, and had an early bedtime after baths and stories.

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