Saturday, January 20, 2018

when life gives you cake make a party (288/365a)

All morning trio rehearsal for the opera ball. It went really well, in spite of them kind of putting me in charge. I don't really mind being the boss sometimes, I guess. Theodore and I had back to back lessons. We walked back slowly together, talking, and found Brian and the other kids gone on a walk with Andi and his kids. I had lots of comfy quiet time to practice a little more, cook dinner, talk through some Theodore ideas, and invite everyone over. :)

Sometime between talking to Brian and Nina I found out Jackie was coming back from Salzburg, even better!

the last piece
intense ronja eyes
will Nina call set?
When we had exhausted the Foersters, Nina and I stayed up and watched the Philadephia Story with popcorn. A full belly, a full day. A happy belly, a happy day. :) (happy is as happy does - i am riding emotional heat waves that leave me in danger of disintegrating into dust by the strength of a withering glance)

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