Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Now I know why (284/365a)

Now I know why we were all so out of it yesterday. We're all sick! Theodore stayed home with fever today, and when Henry got home from school I decided he probably shouldn't have gone either. I'm achy and tired (but haha, not sure if that's just normal life or not)

I did get a chance to get all my trio music for the opera ball that I'm playing at next (thankfully not this!) weekend. Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Boccherini, Sibelius, and Siegl... Siegl? Asks the librarian? implying *one of these is not like the others*

Take them out, and on the way out the door, on a whim, look at the bookshelf of free, really random stuff that people leave there. All music related. On the top, the only one of its kind, I find "Otto Siegl's String Trio" ... The universe has spoken.

my "new" copy

I also went to a parents meeting for Theodore's class, where I met a musician whose kids are named Theodore and Felix. I guess a day of coincidences. 

Mostly we all stayed inside today. Theodore had fun drawing circles with the compass. I learned a few tricks too, ruler and compass construction tricks, and also some coin tricks for Theodore to work on for fun. 

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