Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Ice skating and Stern Singen (271/365a)

4 cloves of garlic resting
Brian spent the day with Theodore and I spent the day with Felix. Theodore was Sternsingen, where the three kings (in this case, a troupe of 6 7-10 year olds) knock on houses, sing songs, and get treats. Brian went along as the only adult/chaperone. They were out from 8-4. Meanwhile Felix and I were off iceskating on the karmeliterplatz. By the end of our several hour stint there, he could skate without holding on to anything, but very very slowly. My second hand ice skates are about a size too big for me (Brian bought them on his own, and I used them all last year) and I think the skates need sharpening too, so I wasn't very secure/fast on the ice myself.

We invited Artur and his family for dinner, and they were fun. We sat on the floor and played set. We had breads and cheeses. We hatched ideas for projects. Felix decided at exactly 7pm it was time for bed, kicked us out of the room, and went to sleep, so our guests left and Theodore and I skyped with Henry, and played him some violin duos. :)

I planted garlic with Artur and Felix, with the hopes that I can use the garlic chives soon, in a little advancement of spring. Please come quickly, vitamins, sun, and spring!

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