Tuesday, January 23, 2018

dancing at oma's (291/365a)

Very calm and happy day. Hooray.
I didn't even have to cook! Jackie sent delicious soup over for us!
The kids ate an entire stick (half a package!) of butter today on bread. I guess rye bread is healthier in some ways and maybe umm... maybe not if it's covered with butter.
We didn't *even* go ice-skating. instead we just hung around happy.
We all practiced a lot.
Then I went out dancing on my own, and got found by nina and kris. both exhausted and energetic by the end, of course, from dancing. and from biking home and looking at the stars. and hey who can say no to some fortune cookies and wine and popcorn on the couch till 1:30am? nobody :)
we couldn't stand any stiller than this! sorry nina!

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