Monday, January 8, 2018

Not-Back-In-Routine Monday (276/365a)

Difference between Men and Women:
The Spar told Brian that the package on the right was "all they had" for alphabet noodles, despite asking for the product on the left. The Spar also sells the package on the left. Clearly only for the mama's.

It was such a mess of a day. Really messy.
Normal school day in theory, but Felix decided to stay home.
I had a lesson in the morning, but I wanted to take Felix to the doctor, so Brian brought Felix to my lesson, and exchanged him for Theodore and my instrument. I took Henry too, because why not, we could do his homework in the waiting room.

The doctor was delightful, she talked and talked, we were the only ones there. Henry was fascinated, and didn't do any homework. Felix will be all better, just 5 different skin creams, and we'll be on our way. At the pharmacy, we waited and waited because the robot was not working, and the people there can't actually get the medications without the robots. <true story>

Walk out into the sunshine, glad to have nothing left to do for the day. Phone rings. it's Irmtraud "we have rehearsal now, where are you?" I guess I missunderstood a text message I got while I was in Koper. Well, I'm close by with 2 kids, but no instrument. Poor Brian has just written he's nearly home. "Please turn around stat and bring my stuff and take kids." No work for him anymore today.

The bus schedule couldn't have been less conducive to getting somewhere quickly, none of the good connections worked. Instead we waited everywhere, finally getting there with two hungry kids who between them ate a box of cookies.

A few hours of rehearsal later and I'm on my way home, and for the first time in years, I found myself completely happy with a dinner of ramen and black olives (*after* yoga, of course, not before).

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