Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Walking, Dinner at Manfred's, Walking (270/365a)

We got to see the animals at
To begin with we were all so tired we nearly all went right back to bed.
Too tired for breakfast
When we were awake again, we went off to visit Manfred.... first breakfast became our second... 
some of us are in a much better mood now...
or are we?
And we stopped at the castle to pet some animals. I found some pigeons kind of cute looking.

rooftop visitors

Manfred's vegetarian meal was quite delicious, and we discussed his broken chandelier in the dining room, and wine, women and song.

When we left, we went back to the castle, at dark, to see the supermoon rising, and find all sorts of constellations. I was very happy to see what a good place it is there to see stars. (although there are still many trees in the way, it is quite dark)

Our view on our short hike: The Schoeckl

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