Thursday, November 23, 2017

yoga to art gallery (230/365a)

i spent the morning digging in the garden, thinking about (pretty late, but doable) fall planting. we'll see.... and the afternoon walking around town and going to lessons with Theodore and Henry. Theodore was soo tired after two 11pm nights in a row, and I almost cancelled his violin lesson, but Elke went super easy on him, gave him a quarter of an hour lesson, and I took the other "extra" 15 minutes for myself. Took the boys to a coffee shop and sat outside because it was such a nice day! They were pretty excited about sharing sandwiches ... cutting two sandwiches into three pieces each, so it would be fair, and "slicing" them with my cappuccino spoon. It was, in my opinion, a better way to spend the same money i would have spent on a ride at the christmas mini amusement setup and a thing of cotton candy, although they REAAAALLY wanted to go, so we went and watched the Ferris wheel and merry-go-round go a few times.

SO glad I went to Yoga today - it improved everything - mood, circulation, calm, strength ... :)

just got oddly jealous of some stranger, a blonde lady who laughed a lot during class, and my guy friend from yoga laughed with her and they went out together afterwards... why jealousy? don't know... why do we feel what we feel?

but i also met a stranger lady that made me laugh - at an art gallery featuring jewelry/art by another lady i met at lindy hop. so the universe comes out perfectly again for us.

beautiful farmer's market bouquet from brian:
Kale is not "a thing" here, but I still love it.

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