Saturday, November 18, 2017

look ma, it's me! (225/365a)

I've been writing these introductions for a music publishing company for a year and a half now, and I finally got the final prints, (and some extra music as thanks!) ...... surprise package delivery while i was in the bath, but how exciting to open it up and see my name in print. - and also more than one typo (oops! :( )
beautiful beautiful paper, i love paper!
The kids let me sleep this morning, and I got up just in time to rush Theodore out the door for yet another rehearsal (only 12 hours after the last one finished!) We wrote and crafted and drew. The best part was Henry giving Felix homework - he drew an outline of what looked like a mouse, and had Felix add lots and lots of lines, to make it into a hedgehog. They wrote letters, the colored, they sharpened pencils. 

Guess which belongs to whom!

When Theodore got home, he was the crankiest ever (not surprising!) and he was upset all through dinner, but he cheered up when we headed out for some Fritz-therapy, and he got to build a bird-house. And while we were there - oh joy of joys! - Brian joined us (pointing out, correctly, that Theodore was missing quite a different rehearsal that had been on the calendar for months, but oh well, i just forgot, so I guess he's not going), quickly leaving us to bring Henry home for his cello lesson. Talked a while with Michi, while chasing Luisa, but we left when my toes started to feel numb. 
so cute! now to fill it with seeds and hang it somewhere we can see
At home I was greeted by Tesco brand tea and dark chocolate. Finally an early bedtime.

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