Saturday, November 4, 2017

Shopping, Talking, Walking, Magic (211/365a)

Farmer's market and pajama cello lessons for the morning. And random stuff for dinner, and a nap. It was a dark and foggy morning that turned into a gorgeous sunny afternoon.

Took Russell around the city to as many cites as we could power walk to. There were plenty of stairs. and lots of second hand pot smoke.

At the hauptplatz two guys were playing funky music on two sousaphones, and we danced together in spite of our difference of opinion on numbers of steps (lindy vs. west coast) and russell's rubber soles. had a strong coffee at 6pm, chased by some sturm. Lots of lively conversation the whole time, which continued after dinner - Brian cooked and everything was ready when we got home.

Only I wasn't ready - i had to take my camera BACK the way we had just come and capture the moon rising over the uhrturm as kitschy as can be.

Centa was home from her bike class, and Nina came for a quick glass, leaving soon after. The rest of us stayed up till 1 talking about how to save the world.
"Full-faced above the valley stood the moon"