Sunday, November 5, 2017

The hostess with the mostest (212/365a)

When somebody you know offers to host your friends they haven't met yet for dinner.... 
you waste no time getting there!
I made a cake while Brian and Russell went for a run. 

It's dinner time in the bright sunny apartment.
so yummy, all special foods

We adults need naps after we eat, but the kids need to run around, so we watched them from the balcony.
not pictured, dessert and wine ;)
The conversation ranged from Longfellow to mushroom hunting. Russell started reading The Birds of Killingworth but it turned out to be too long. (i said it was short, blah blah, not as long as some of Longfellow's really long ones)
What are we looking at?
Then there's the question of who gets to have the last of the whipped cream....
Felix is in charge of that.
When it got too cold (even after getting tucked into two blankets) we went inside, where we split into several variations of floor and couch parties. There was the drinks crowd and the naps crowd. The upside-down sitting crowd and the drawing crowd. The snuggle crowd and the massage crowd.

Centa joined us when she got done taking care of Hubert next door
Happy couch party

Happy floor party

Eventually it was time for Russell to depart. ........ 

In the Importance of Being Earnest, Lady Bracknell says: "Come dear, we've already missed five, if not six, trains. To miss any more might expose us to comment on the platform." 
........ He didn't catch the 5:30 train, or the 6:30 train, or the 7:30 train.... but eventually he and I walked to the station together and I said goodbye as awkwardly as only I can....

We love having visitors, and we love it when friends meet friends. Thank you, Russell, for coming out to see us!

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