Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Thursday that Was NOT a Weekend (237/365a)

Well our thanksgiving was on a Wednesday and we stayed up till 2, but that doesn't stop the rest of the world from continuing.
Too early I awoke, to find it snowing. and Cold.
I had a gig to be at at 10, so off I went, taxied there, to get the most out of my morning - even a shower! #veryproud (#andofcoursethankful!)

The gig was in the beautiful aula of the old campus of the technical university, and we listened to lectures, and played birdland, and some handel and had broetchen, discussed feminism with klaus and went home. it was still snowing.

i cancelled everything else i could possibly cancel. A few minutes before we had to leave Fritz showed up for an unexpected visit with a little girl who is living with her (refugee) family in Fritz's home. i showed her the attic, offered fritz some extra beers and then got us a ride (me in seatless back of an old vw bus) to theodore's very first production of Eine Nacht in Venedig. He was so nervous, and he was very stiff, but he did it, and I was very proud of him. The audience was terrible the entire night, no reaction to many of the jokes. Maybe just a dull Thursday night? I wanted to spend 7 euros to stand in the back, but a lady sold me an awesome front and center aisle seat for 10 euros because her friend was sick. Theodore was too tired to "prost" us (with apple juice) when we got home. Poor thing. I hope he is having fun with this show.......

as always the question: keep or get rid of old programs?

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