Tuesday, November 21, 2017

done with steffens! (228/365a)

i talked about it on Thursday, September 15, 2016
"In my 1930's unabridged edition of Lincoln Steffen's autobiography, where he deals with issues about wealth, power and political corruption in examples that are horrifyingly relevant today, I found tucked between the pages a new price-tag from a $985.00 piece of lingerie."
in our (Amanda's and my) one sentence blog from back then

still have the price-tag ... i used it as a bookmark
and that was found/written about a year after i had first started reading it....

the book is nearly 900 pages of dense, but riveting, material. I took long breaks, and reread many many chapters. I always found parts that were thrilling enough to read aloud to multiple people...

...and today, I finished! It feels like the end of an era.

Though I'm not really "done" with Steffens.... I think I have to keep rereading excerpts to keep my philosophical hold on reality
so close!

Also had the Foersters over for dinner, and made tents in the living room with all the furniture and sheets. And Helga came over while Brian was out at a computer meetup, to discuss the Otto Siegl book she'll read from at our joint event in December. Brian picked up Theodore at 10pm, and Theodore got to bed slightly before 11... interested to see how tomorrow morning works.

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