Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Thanksgiving Prep (235/365a)

Almost didn't make it to my 8:30 quintet rehearsal - got there at 9:15 after a crazy amount of time spent at red lights in a taxi. We were pretty efficient though, and didn't laugh too much so we got a lot done anyway. Got home in time to open the door for Nina the second time she came by. She lent me her giant tart pan for my pumpkin pies. Last year we used Mary's - we had brought them back for her from the US and used them at Thanksgiving before we gave them to her. :)

Henry wanted pictures of himself for school. - when I went to get them their photo printer ui was very bad and annoying, but henry took it in stride and waited patiently.
Thomas and I practiced some Siegl, and I'm looking forward to the performance in a month...

And Centa chopped up her giant pumpkin


With the kids in bed we adults continued our cooking, cleaning, (and in Centa's case, carving) with wine and Jazz.

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