Sunday, November 19, 2017

baa baa baa birdland (226/365a)

to finish our first (not-quite perfect, but still awesome for a first try) birdland video, we wanted to rerecord our singing because we sing while we play and it doesn't really come through in the recording. but recording singing is nerve wracking, because ... we ... aren't ... singers! but i think we managed, and i'm looking forward to seeing the final finished project.
barbara's selfie of us and klaus and irmtraud
At home again, jiggity jig, we had an inside-day with Brian, wrote letters and learned a Ceilidh (KAY-lee) Dance that Brian had remembered from his stay in london (very similar to contra) ... they have ceilidh dances once a year in vienna - coincidentally, last saturday, so i guess we won't go this year. ;)

nice warm evening because brian fixed one of the two heaters upstairs. - it just needed to be cleaned out a bit ;)

henry salted the salad a bit too much, so i read the story about the king who wanted to kill his daughter when she said he was as dear as salt. i do love me some salt and some grimm's fairytales.

practiced a little dvorak stabat mater in preparations for my !gig! i have tomorrow....

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