Wednesday, November 8, 2017

pause tag (215/365a)

spent the entire day with felix and didn't regret it for a minute :)

he wants to do homework (i'm melting)

we are working on getting a family meal routine that involves everyone sitting at the table at the same time. Not as easy as i would have thought - especially since each one of us has such a variable schedule. felix and i cooked for everyone and waited till theodore and henry were done with their real homework, and set the table. it was very nice.

henry and i went down motivated to cleaning the dryer which takes 1000 years to dry. Brian and thoroughly cleaned all the lint and the surrounding areas a while ago, but I decided to pull apart the back. Carefully removing about 1000 screws we found a gigantic pileup of lint, including some that was directly on the heating element - fire hazard!! :) Let's see if our cleanup made any difference to the drying time...

bath time and practicing time were all fun and lovely.

stayed up working on brian's firehub website with him. <3

Cyclamen. ....photographed late at night by the light of the reading lamp.

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