Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Hauswurz (229/365a)

hauswurz, "sempervivum"
i found this little one on a mountain and carried it home with me on a leaf. a while back. 
today i was a hauswurz myself, didn't feel like leaving for any reason, and decidedly didn't. i stayed indoors and practiced, mostly, and played. in the evening brian finally convinced me to go for a walk, and i did - it was cold, but the night was clear and the sky was full of stars. with stargazing practice, some of the constellations are turning into friends. and when theodore came back from his rehearsal at 11pm tonight he remarked that castor and pollux followed him home. we are never alone on a clear night. (it's hard to believe but those friends are up there too on a cloudy night.)

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