Monday, November 6, 2017

a rainy cold yuckday, i mean monday (213/365a)

"I'm Siiiingin in the Rain!"
Mostly a day where things didn't really work out right at all. I awoke in the guest room after the kids were at school. I had moved down there to stave off what seemed like the beginnings of a migraine, but thankfully I stopped it in its tracks. I was still a little woozy though, and played around with the idea of cancelling various plans for today, deciding on nothing. Elke was quite surprised at my lack of energy, but she always finds a way to get some intense teaching in.
I went to practice guitar at the kindergarten for their laternenfest this week, but showed up too late to practice. I took a too-tight turn down a steep slope (1000point turn), and I thought for a bit that the only way out was to roll the car down the hill sideways and be stuck in the woods forever. (it wasn't that bad, but the kids in the car came up with a different story) 
Felix and I sang all the way home.
He and I also wrote a whole book about his Zaubercar - he dictated I wrote. It was super cute. We read it about a thousand times already.
Brian went to lindy class, but I had choir rehearsal where the quartet that I finally finished organizing played together for the first time. Then I made dinner for Felix's kindergarten tomorrow, and Centa and I chatted over tea, suddenly remembering "the Bells are Ringing" which I started to watch with Brian - he saw to the end, but my consciousness gave up in the middle.

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