Monday, November 27, 2017

homey (234/365a)

It was a nice morning, I was awake relatively early and made soup for the kindergarten lunch, and Brian packed it all up to keep it warm and took the food and felix up the hill. The other kids in the fahrgemeinschaft were sick/staying home. At the end of kindergarten I thought it would be nice to hike as a family and since we had the extra time picked up Felix as a family and did the very short hike the rest of the way up the platte to stefaniewarte.

brian grabbed this picture me coming out of the woods into the sun. i didnt have my camera with me

While the kids were at choir I played around with felix, taught him some guitar, we painted, we cooked, and all that fun stuff. Kale and garlic omelette for dinner with bread nearly too fresh to cut.
We did a bath/practice switcheroo (one practices, the other bathes, and then they switch) with the older two, and Centa read them to sleep while we went off to our last Lindy Class of the season. Nice happy day.

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