Friday, November 3, 2017

Russell! (210/365a)

Some kids fell in love with a 30 year old printing calculator

as the adding machine once said: you can count on me!

felix: if i had a million hands i could do anything, but i wouldn't do anything, because i wouldn't know what to do.

We had the late morning and most of the afternoon to ourselves, as Ronja's birthday was today, and J&A took our kids and 8 other kids (WOW!) hiking, playing, cake eating and more playing. Naturally this was a good excuse for a two hour walk with Nina, and a very last minute dinner with N&P. 

I could have been stressed about our upcoming houseguest, but I don't have to be! It's Russell, mr. postive man! :) I went and got him at the train station and we kept him up till past his bedtime with austrian cheeses and french wines... where did the french wine come from? i remembered it was a gift but not why/when/where/who..... ugg, stupid memory.

hugs the way they were meant to be!

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