Saturday, November 11, 2017

the lantern doth protest too much (218/365a)

It was cake-making day with Manuela, and only a few days ago she asked me what time we should meet, and i said it shouldn't be too exact. Well, Theodore ended up having a rehearsal at the opera which led to an uncharacteristically exact time: "Can we meet at the lendplatz at 10:05"...... uh huh.

it was suesse luisa time, and the sun even came out for half a second. so many vegetables were bought, and brought home and cooked and eaten. - including purple napa cabbage ... and a cake was made... Manuela brought gifts - it was like having another birthday. :)
We could open a shop to sell alarm clocks (we have so many)
- and henry is knowledgeable enough to give good recommendations
It was the actual St.Martin's day and I had heard there would be a gänsemarsch with lanterns to draw attention to the sadness of slaughtering geese for martiniganserl. I heard about it from a parent, so I assumed there would be mostly for kids. Instead I got to take part in my very first protest. I find protesting even for worthy causes to be a rather inefficient way of working. What could we accomplish with those millions and millions of manhours we spend on the enormous walks/marches/protests in Washington ... VS... what we actually accomplish. "woohoo, 3 of us were on tv for 20seconds!"
lanterns for everyone at dusk
I played my 2 lantern songs on the flute walking down the herrengasse and back, and took felix home early. theodore and henry were having fun so they stayed. :)

all the kids :)

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