Monday, November 13, 2017

little love notes (220/365a)

:) <3 !
In the Odd Couple, Oscar says "You leave me little notes on my pillow. I have told you 158 times I cannot stand little notes on my pillow..." ..... noo! I LOVE little notes on my pillow.

I didn't find any on my pillow though, I found them everywhere throughout the day... i'm sure there are more of them too. In the jar of iron pills, in between the pages of my music ....

henry doing homework during theodore's lesson

During Theodore's violin lesson today Henry did homework and I went to pay. I made a very stupid mistake. I forgot that american's pay by check by giving people the check and that Austrian's pay by check by throwing it into what looks like a trash can at a bank. So I took the check thing to the guy to pay, and he spent about a half hour explaining that he didn't know what to do with it, and ended up printing a new bill out for me and telling me to fill it out again and give it to the bank. 

Also, a stray cat that until now has been very shy followed Felix around - including into the basement, and into the house. "Mama, I told the cat to go away, but now she is in the house..." I didn't like telling the cat to go away, but also the cat did not like me or listen to me, it only liked felix.

Also, somebody dropped a whole bag (open, freshly gotten from the farmer's market) of spinach near our house. Someone else hung it on a fence. We walked past it a few times, and then at some point, it was gone. Did the person who lost it find it? Did somebody else take it? Would I take and eat spinach off the street? So many questions.

Also, I walked around town with Felix, talking about all kinds of useless things, when he suddenly tugs hard on my arm and says impatiently, loudly, and angrily: "But Mama, where does God come from?"

AND, I went to the university library and got some books about Siegl and a free copy of Louis Armstrong's autobiography (with the pages coming out) ..... One of the books included an autobiographical sketch written when Otto was 29 years old - like anything has happened yet. Loved reading it though, it's short but it took a long time because it was in Fraktur which I can read, but only slowly - so I read it out loud, which made me feel really great.

At night was dance class. Learned some really useful things, got better! Then girls tea night with the centa and the nina. "Brav"

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