Saturday, November 25, 2017

Starting a New Deck (232/365a)

Theodore invented a new game, created a set of cards with a lot of effort, front and back. Nina came over for coffee and in sweetness took me theodore and henry on a bikeride to her office to borrow the laminating machine. The kids and I caught Brian and Felix at the Farmer's market buying so many vegetables :) We were already thinking about Thanksgiving, which we are celebrating on Wednesday next week, but our heads weren't clear enough to buy anything useful. Then Nina and her parents and I went to our last rehearsal before tomorrow's concert. I was warmer than yesterday, but I also forgot the big thermos of tea Brian had made for me. No matter, there was no break. 

I took Manfred out for a belated birthday drink, but still got home in time to practice with Henry and play some cards. It was fun, but the rules are not quite decided upon.

no fair, three against one!

Then a quick change and out to Michi's birthday party, also belated. Among other things we had wine and toasts and antipasti, and played a fortune telling game asking the fairies of the universe to tell us what we needed in our life. I need to let go. according to the fairies. The lady at the far end of the table took the card about "friendliness" which made her a bit annoyed.
surrounded by friends
Afterwards everyone went dancing, except me. I waited at a taxi stand in the rain, took the taxi (into which we fit 5 girls into 4 seats) with them to the awesome club, i looked/listened in... it was too loud, too much strobing, no people, so I went home. Lucky me got to walk back in the rain in my high heals to where I left my bike a mile away. Funny thing, when I got there I found I had forgotten I had an umbrella in my bag the whole time. 

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