Sunday, November 12, 2017

Riegersburg! i mean, Jennersdorf (219/365a)

I organized a quartet for some masses that Manfred's choir is doing. They are all taking place at various little towns about an hour outside of Graz, in the mountains, and since they are masses, they are mostly in the mornings, which means... early. Regardless, I couldn't sleep, so I was up at 3:30, with a 6:30 leaving time. Drove all the way to Riegersburg, called to ask about parking. Was told they were in front of the church. Didn't see them. "There's a volkschule and a construction fence" "yes, just past the dentist, i'm right there" "we don't see you." asked the priest going into the church. "no, nothing here. with ergo cantamus? they are in jennersdorf" ... oh, wrong little town, which also had a dentist, a church, a construction fence, a school and festivities around their center. oops. we still made it in time to rehearse etc.
happy birthday, manfred

I was so exhausted when I got home 7 hours later that I slept the entire afternoon, and had no trouble imagining sleep that night. Tonight, Brian headed out to London for the next week.

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