Thursday, January 2, 2020

you're living in MY house? (2/365d)

waited around in the morning to film out little cool short that edward and i want to make with the kids, but it got later and later. finally we postponed those plans and just met him at the playground and played basketball.

we had a weird moment where tante frieda was overwhelmed with visitors (a local friend stopped by and so did katrina) and when she was introducing us she "suddenly discovered" that she had relatives. she complained that we were living in "her" house, and that her brother never told her he had kids. for the fact that her living room is "full of strangers" she was extremely calm.... for 2 hours she could not rid herself of the notion that we were some strange people who live in her house in graz, who coincidentally were visiting her for new years. how strange.

we watched the fledermaus in the evening, and all of the age outliers (young and old) complained now and then that it was "too long" but they stuck it out to the end and laughed all the way through.

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