Thursday, January 9, 2020

souvenir de florence (9/365d)

a model of a model of a model of a model:
davinci's vitruvian man (modeled on vitruvius' writing)
and mario ceroli's Squilibrio (Imbalance) (modeled on davinci)
made felix's davinci model with him in the morning, and he did some homework.. i think he's pretty much ready to go back to school. centa was bummed out that she has to move out of her office this weekend.

watched henry practice his organ and on the way home i ran into finn's mother andrea and we had a quick coffee at the gramm.

sextet concert with marielis... the first half i didn't like so much, it wasn't polished and it was kind of boring even though it was my favorite piece for sextet (brahms 2) but the second half i watched from a seat in the middle of the hall, it sounded better, and was better together and better practiced - yay for tchaikovsky played well.

long long walk after the concert, brian picked me up and walked me home... the long way around.

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