Wednesday, January 15, 2020

"too tired to be cranky" (15/365)

finished translating the first chapter, which felt good. but it also was short and started on page 10. the next chapter goes to page 50.... hmmm...

i picked up henry from to take home his ice-skates for him and give him his organ music. i brought him some hot food to eat. but forgot the music. he didn't like the food, and i left him there to go home and come back with the music.

they went to judo and asp all on their own while felix and i did home stuff.

centa told me about this shirt she saw and i liked it so much i looked it up before forwarding to nina.
and the stars keep reminding me
left at 10pm to pick up the kids from the opera after koenigskinder. they came out at 11pm. we missed the streetcar by a hair, and decide to walk home instead of wait for 33 minutes.

on the way home today theodore said he was "too tired to be cranky." i'm inclined to agree.

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