Saturday, January 25, 2020

opernredoute (25/365d)

day passed way too quickly, before i knew it it was nearly time to be dressed and ready to go... i think it was difficult to focus most of the day because both brian and i had the feeling we hadn't slept at all, somehow we were waking up every 10 minutes and restless and congested, and that makes for not the best feeling.

our trio played very well for the entrance, where we just got colder and colder. unfortunately we only played a tiny percentage of our music, because one of us chickened out and decided we should repeat things from before. if i'd known that i would have practiced quite differently.
all fancy
brian's tuxedo consists of:
henry's bow tie,
centa's tux jacket
my suit pants
and a child's sized cummerbund.
dancing until 4am is worth every amount of tiredness tomorrow (famous last words)

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