Monday, January 13, 2020

vacuuming bread (13/365d)

sometimes you make perfect bread and then it is perfect timing to put it in the oven, and then it starts to smell gooood... then you think, maybe a little too good, and then oops, burnt.
we all still loved it though.

felix was in a terrible mood today, i know because brigitta and i had coffee with him before his piano lesson (he got a cookie) and then we stopped 10 minutes into the lesson because he wasn't cooperating and then i was trying to bike him home, but he refused a helmet and any suggestion of walking with me, so i biked home and he walked home annoyed. stayed home from choir too.

brian headed out to poland for work in the evening after everyone had baths and stories.
jacky and i shared a glass of wine and a 10 minute walk. and i got a chance to (briefly) chat with labeeby.

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