Monday, January 20, 2020

all the things i don't want to do. (20/365d)

job rejection officially in, not that i'm surprised, considering it's a month after their decision deadline.

A lesson with Elke in the morning, that was very productive, although Brigitta was sick so we had no piano part. More focus on my stuff I guess.
Michi came over for lunch and I made about 8 different dishes so that she could have the quinoa bowl that we weren't ordering from the Lend Hotel 100 meters away. Mine was WAY better. Objectively!

I took care of the fine from yesterday and renewed my year-card, and each transaction took a pleasant  total 10 seconds and 10 words, and no standing in line. A++ would buy again

brian and i played team cleanup after bedtime, which was pretty alright. we sure tend to work well together. <3

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