Thursday, January 9, 2020

perfect timing (8/365c)

felix stayed home again, he was worse than yesterday, ears hurt now too, poor thing

brigitta and i played through milhaud for the first time today, and his four ladies (quatre visages) are wonderful... except that brigitta really doesn't like the one from brussels. as soon as we had finished nina came over, and we made ourselves some arabic lunch, at which i felt like i was going sooo slowly at everything. there wasn't really enough room for everybody to eat and have all the dishes, but we made do at our tiny attic kitchen table.

the kids had all gotten models of davinci inventions from my mama, and today we chose to put henry's together. actually we chose theodore's first, but it was too hard to start. i'm glad we chose henry's... his said it would take an hour and a half and theodore's predicted two and a half hours. henry's took over two and a half hours, and right as we were finishing it was 8pm and my head hurt hijus and i went directly to sleep. henry came and snuggled with me to tell me he liked his model. awww....
proud of the finished product

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