Sunday, January 19, 2020

wait! these papers expired 3 weeks ago! (casablanca reference) (19/365d)

I needed to get ready to go, to drink some coffee, pack my music and bags and go to Wildon for rehearsal, and I was going to be contacted when Olena left to come to me, but I got a text saying "I'll be there in 5 minutes" while I was contentedly playing bridge of the floor with all my four menfolk.

Thus started the Sunday Scramble of 2020.

In 4 minutes flat i was dressed and packed and out the door.

Rehearsal went very nicely, and during the last piece I noticed the time. To catch the train I would have to be on it in 8 minutes.

Thus started the Second Sunday Scramble of 2020.

I packed everything up again in 4 minutes flat and arrived at the train station with my shoes still untied with  1 minute to spare.

On the last bus home (a very optional bus, it only takes me one short stop, but it was standing there as i walked by, so i took it, why not) I was asked to show my ticket and she surprised me by saying it was expired, and I would have to pay a fine. I felt so stupid! I was sure I had renewed it in September with all the rest of the public transport tickets, but I guess I hadn't. Ooops. The funny thing is, I have showed that ticket SO MANY TIMES this school year, to other ticket inspectors, drivers, for cheaper train tickets, and nobody has noticed. Oh well, I guess that's the 2020 tax, or the new year tax or something.

Home again we made pizza, but I stuck to leftover vegan food from Artur's family.

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