Friday, January 17, 2020

here is a gallery dedicated to photo books. (17/365d)

nina and i went out for breakfast and museums this morning. we took in hours and hours of fine art and ........
HAHA, no. I was pretty lethargic (and maybe a bit cold and didn't want to leave the heater) in the morning, and we didn't leave until noon. Pauli surprised me with a visit at 8:30, and he has yoga at 9:30, so it was a short quick tea, and some heavy chatting.
and THEN Nina came over, and there was some more (lighter) chatting, and finally after noon, right when the youngest kids came back from school, we left. Picked up Theodore and we went out to eat at Herr Karl, with its nice newly renovated old-school atmosphere.
Then costume try-outs for Kaliph Storch, which we would never have found without Nina, who has an uncanny ability to read signs for content.
Then the Kunsthaus, where we saw some interesting things, most notably a set of "paintings" made with only bent straw. and one photo book with 100 photos of a single spot and the ants walking by there, which i thought was kind of funny, and one photo book that distracted all three of us of all the photographs from the first moon landing.
We got back completely exhausted, and Brian left nearly immediately to go see the my hated Fledermaus. He didn't think it was that bad, but i think secretly he also needed the 4 free glasses of champagne to be impressed.

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