Friday, January 24, 2020

freezing hot (24/365d)

poor theodore came home with a fever today. he still went to his extra violin lesson with emilio percan and to sing the allestanz dress rehearsal with orchestra. bit of children's ibuprofen on the way out and then power through. what a kid. well, he missed half of school and all of a 3 hour kalif storch rehearsal, so it's not like he did *everything* ...

felix got more and more cranky until we realized he was sick too and put him to bed by 7pm
brian has slept on and off all day. so much for our hiking date.

henry and felix did go to the spar on their own today, first making a list and hunting for all the things, bringing them back and even putting them away - plus taking out the recycling on their way. so that was pretty cool. henry said he hoped everyone was done being sick by papa's birthday -- i certainly hope so!

i finished arranging "weil i no an engerln glaub"for quintet for barbara's mom's wedding next month - at least a rough draft....

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