Friday, January 31, 2020

brian's birthday (31/365d)

brian's birthday started out with me up very early and singing soft canons with the children. i mostly am still sick, i slept several more hours after the kids went to school and got up just in time for brian to leave to pick them up.

buffaloes rehearsal was kind of a bust. we started late because one of us got there late, and we ended 5 minutes (!) later because somebody else had the room and we had failed to properly book the room originally. good news, not my fault. bad news, no rehearsal for another 3 weeks because of vacations. good news, another big gig at the end of may. bad news, we have never practiced together.

a lovely time in the evening with practicing and reading and then a hour-long snuggle/chat time with theodore while brian did more work for work downstairs.

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