Saturday, January 4, 2020

travel day (4/365d)

got up with the alarm at 6:08, got packed, woke up the kids, walked over to tante friedas, rang the doorbell.... only to find that it was 6:30... my phone had never adjusted to the england time zone.... oops. good thing i was there early or i never would have spilled hot coffee all over myself and gotten to change my clothes before the trip.
tante frieda seemed just as easy going about us leaving as she had been about everyone being there. we took the same taxi, mama heads to thailand, papa heads home, and we to austria
then it was heavy carrying (luggage (with books!) for all three of us on my poor back) and airports and planes, and trains, and finally a bus, where we met brian's and theodore's smiling face and had pizza waiting. it was cold-ish pizza, straight from the oven... i think our oven is ... toast. i was so tired i headed essentially straight to bed, although in typical irma fashion i didn't exactly proceed directly to bed, but rather spent a long time hoping i would be teleported.

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