Thursday, January 23, 2020

afternoon tea for two (23/365d)

it was cold today. even brian was cold. i think he must be getting sick. he was too cold to stay up past 8pm. :(

a text message from jacky woke me up to ask me to babysit for her in the morning. which turned into a nice long coffee. from there i went directly to town to play milhaud with brigitta (i took a bus not a bike: i was too cold) and she even LIKED milhaud's lady from brussels and thought it sounded a bit like gershwin. we went and had soup together. 2 huge bowls of pumpkin soup, 7euros60, 2 cappuccinos, 7euros80... i found that kind of funny. i thought of dessert but saved room for nina and my upcoming afternoon tea and i'm glad i did!

at home everyone was sticking stickers in the new book that henry got from a classmate. they only need 20 stickers to complete the project, which is pretty amazing given how many duplicate stickers they have. i somehow separated felix and henry from the project, so that henry could go to organ and felix to piano.

i met nina at oma's teekanne and we spent two hours on a few cups of tea and a lot of butter. (and prosecco, not pictured, with a dried rosebud for decoration) ... i wanted to go over to nina's afterwards, but brian wrote that he was feeling sick and cold and tired, so i came straight back, watched some figure skating with the kids, read some winnie the pooh and then did some music arranging for barbara's mom's upcoming wedding.

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