Tuesday, January 14, 2020

thankful for the internet so i can look up calligraphy terms (14/365d)

started a kind of stupid project. translating an 80 year old book because the german is right at the very edge of my comprehension level and for some reason i was impatient reading it for weeks, so i have decided to read it even slower, probably for the next few months. let's see how far i get. the first 3 pages took about 2 hours all together, but i wasn't really in the swing of things, and first i had to look up how to talk about all different kinds of breeds of horses, because that's an important detail. ah the things i do for art.

the morning we had trio rehearsal for opernredoute. i had the prettiest music (outside covers) because felix and henry and i had decorated it. then i practice a while on my own.

it was a day that i got email/text responses to a lot of things that i have been waiting on, and for some reason the responses filled me with a feeling like dread... they all include things i have to do, questions i have to answer, decisions i have to make. each one is kind of like an idea come back to haunt me from some other reality, but perhaps it is because i haven't had enough sleep with brian gone. not really his fault. tonight i am staying up way past my bedtime so that i can do research on some music people/composers that even i have never heard of so that i can make even more projects in the future.

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