Wednesday, January 29, 2020

another sick day (29/365d)

henry was determined to go ice-skating today with his class, and although he "felt" like throwing up he went anyways, and stayed strong and came home much happier and full of energy. brian was one of the chaperones, so i didn't feel so nervous about letting henry go, but i'm glad it worked out - it could have gone badly. (i still remember a day when i was 8 years old and felt like throwing up and went to school anyways, and then i threw up on a worcester city bus. that was no fun. at least rainer took good care of me and brushed my hair out and took me home.)

the logistics for the day were complicated but i didn't take care of anything, i just stayed home with felix and we napped and drew and slept. centa came home and is happy her salzburg part of vacation has started.

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