Wednesday, January 22, 2020

sometimes you miss things (22/365d)

brian and i went out on a not-date this morning, after he did his daily stand-up meeting for work and i practice, then we went for  a walk past some stores where we had errands to run on our way to pick up the kids. brian took theodore and felix home, and i waited the next half hour by walking up and down the schlossberg trying not to pant as i talked to barbara on the phone.

jacky came over and we had dinner with all the kids running around. theodore and henry skipped judo because they had to be at the ice-skating rink in the evening with singschule where they sang the austrian national anthem for the opening ceremony of the european figure skating championships. which probably was cool but i didn't get to see it. after spending nearly an hour looking for a way to be able to stream it or watch it or figure out where/when/how we could see it, we went over to ingrid's house because she said they were switching to live at the championships..... and it was a guy commentator in front of an empty rink, and that was that. 

but ingrid made felix's rose for the day by giving him nearly 250 stickers (from the spar program stupid sticker stupid mania) his eyes lit up and right when we got home, henry and theodore also got home and their eyes lit up and it was impossible to get them to sleep until they had organized all of them and figured out which were duplicates and which they still needed. 

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