Wednesday, January 1, 2020

year d take 2 (1/365d)

2020 started with  fireworks we watched on the roof outside of tante frieda's bedroom.
slept for 4 hours...after really good scotch ..... woke up with brian &theodore packing and we walked them to tf's house and dropped the two of them off at home.
back at our apartment, edward and i had some wonderful coffees, and planned a very short film that we'll try to make tomorrow with kids.
at frieda's house the tv was quite loud with a very 'scary" nature show. ... very loud, and there was some blood on some mother baboons that made felix unable to eat the tomatoes in the pasta (he loves tomatoes, but it remined him of the baboons)
we also watched the entire sound of music (WAY too loud0 and we went home "early" (9pm) ... i'm writing this with a bit of a headache, probably from lack of sleep. the house seems so empty with just the three of us.

HAPPY 2020! I remember celebrating 2000 with a small percentage of apprehension for the coming changes, and i feel like i couldn't have predicted how great the changes were that have been wrought in 20 years. - kind of like a century worth of change in 2 decades, technologically speaking.

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