Saturday, January 18, 2020

oh so blue... (18/365d)

saw an email saying that there were last minute openings for the blues workshop today at 9:30. I called and emailed and heard at 9:40 that I should come on down. So off I hopped on my bike with only a cup of coffee to my name, and no preconceived notions about the blues, how to dance it or anything. The next two and a half hours were spent getting quite close to complete strangers, but I learned a lot.
Home for lunch, I found Artur over and the kids all having a chaotic bunch of fun. Arturs family had brought us tons of food, so we didn't need to cook. Yesterday and today Felix and Henry have taken to going to the Spar on their own - for purchases over 10Euros you get a package of random stickers, which are currently very coveted. You never know what you're going to get though. They want to go just so they can spend 10euros, but at no point do they think that maybe we just don't actually need more milk right now. and besides, last time they went they couldn't find the pasta. they will have to practice more...
More workshops in the afternoon, this time not in the super extreme closed-position, but more of a normal dance position, and more "normal"-ish moves.
Home again for bedtime, where I found Alois to pick up Artur. Artur had lost one of the most coveted stickers and there was general disquiet and sadness at bedtime, but after all had calmed, I read to them until Centa got home, and then I joined Brian who had already headed to the evening blues dance party ..... We danced like it was 1999 and then walked my bike home, because my body was just completely exhausted.

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