Monday, January 27, 2020

this day made possible by prescription homeopathic cough medicine (27/365d)

Felix home sick today. I tried to engage him with some books and puzzles and stuff but he kept just falling asleep again. Brigitta and I met with Elke and practiced Milhaud one last time before playing it tonight. First performance is always a bit wonky, but totally pushes one to the next level. Theodore played also at the recital... all of Elke's students played. Theodore's tone was miles better than it has ever been, and I think he got lots of comments about how good he sounded. It's been his struggle for the past year, and it's been quite frustrating to him that he can play so many complicated things but has trouble playing a single note with a good quality of sound.
Bow parallel to the bridge
Staying in one spot
Being held by the violin
I went to see Gospel night with PopVox and met a woman named Babsi there, quite by accident/coincidence, who is the new singer for the Buffaloes - we have our first rehearsal this Friday. Found out Ingrid Cz. is going to Thailand to visit Mama and Rainer and Puk. Puk wrote today to say that her pet Papillon, Pappelbon, isn't doing well.

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