Tuesday, January 21, 2020

the blind leading the blind (21/365d)

i woke up with one leg still very sore from dancing last sunday. oh well, that's the price i pay for having fun. brian did all the morning work of getting everyone out to school, plus did 1billion laundry, all the sheets and all the clothes and a ton of other things. i hope our sheets are done before we go to sleep tonight... then we spent some time (the timer was set to 10 minutes) doing a little extra household chores together.

i went to get theodore from his organ practice. we played one piece together, he on the pedals and i at the manuals. then we went to cosa for an hour. that was pretty much just pure fun, except that he was disappointed at how difficult it is to play a race car video game for 90seconds without any prior practice. 20 minutes to "assemble" the car, and 90seconds to crash it and watch it lie belly up. yaaay. science.

the most beautiful moment i observed today was a couple walking, not hand in hand, but in tandem, he behind her. both blind. both wearing the same bright blue cable-knit hats with beige pom-poms. she had a cane, he did not. she was narrating to him, like "here are the people sitting at the cafe along the outside wall." then they came out of the shade into a little sliver of sunlight, and they both closed their eyes and their faces relaxed into smiles, and she said "how nice, we found the sun." ... even if i had had a camera i couldn't have (wouldn't have) taken a photo, but i hope i will always remember them just like that, smiling in the warmth of the winter sun.

henry had a craft-project in school that he had mostly missed out on because of opera rehearsals, and so i got to finish it with him. it was quite fun to work with him.

we lit the christmas tree one last time after brian went to choir. and sang songs and canons until felix pretended to fall asleep on the floor. theodore and henry both practiced by candle light, and i was enthralled. //that's my barney

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