Sunday, January 3, 2021

movement and music are both wonderful (3/365e)

I had an early morning, and an early rehearsal with quintet, which was fun enough. I was hungry by the end of it and was glad that my family had not eaten yet when I got home. Everyone loved the spinach quiche that we had made last night - it's right now the only way Henry will eat eggs or spinach, which is ok for me, I guess.

Then we headed up Jakobsleiter with Edward, Pauli and kids – Brian dropped us off at the trail and then headed out on his own to run a distance of a half marathon.

We sang beautifully around the Christmas tree, and then had our family meeting with new chores, and nice impressions of the past week

Papa read the next few chapeters of jack pumpkinhead, and then as a bonus Felix got another chapter from Centa of Tolkein's "Father Chistmas" to felix, who loves it - one of his "favorite" books, so maybe an "8 out of 10".

Bath night (sweet henry let the water in for felix, but showed his mischievous side by drawing it ice-cold on purpose)

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