Monday, January 4, 2021

fire in the rain (4/365e)

Woke up just as maria rang the doorbell... I had promised to watch Gabriel all day ... I made the huge effort to borrow Maria's car, drive them up to kalkleiten in the rain, and struggled to make a raging fire with wet wood, while the drizzle soaked all the paper I was trying to use to start, and the wind blew out match after match before I had gotten it anywhere. It took 5 hours to start the fire. 

taken with the last of my phone's battery...

We were ice-cold when we got home, and wet, and hungry, but all of these things were soon remidied, and we got the ultimate luxury entertainment when Papa read the next few chapters of jack pumpkinhead again.

making racoon faces at each other

I had more viola practicing to do, and Edward gave me the extra time to catch up by reading bedtime stories to the kids. Then I suggested a crazy project to Bruno and we tried out ideas to make Spiegel im Spiegel im Spiegel

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